Toyota Camry fuel filter replacement
The fuel filter replacement should be performed no less than once every 100 thousand kilometers, according to Toyota Camry maintenance regulations. In most cases such a procedure is required when the car shows signs indicating the fuel supply is not strong enough.
Technological openings under the rear seats are provided in order to replace the filter mesh or the entire fuel pump assembly.

It is very important to comply with security measures and avoid any, even static sparks while performing the current procedure. Raise the rear seat and see the technological hatch located under it.

Then the fuel tube and the wiring harness coming from the fuel pump body will be disconnected. Be sure to blow out all the dirt and dust from the body around. Nothing extra should fall inside the fuel tank.

The fuel filter is removed from the tank at the workplace and replaces with the new filter.
The fuel filter screen must be flushed and purged for further installation if it is dark. It shouldn’t be replaced since it serves as a coarse filter and detains large debris.

The picture provided contains the bottom cover with a fuel level sensor, a pump with a grid and a check valve for gasoline pressure adjustment in the fuel rail.

The cover is tightly pressed and closed, otherwise a pair of gasoline will fall into the cabin.
The test vehicle start is performed after installation. It is left running for some time in order to ensure the air contained in the system to come out of it. In this case, the car can misfire since air can instead of fuel get in some cameras.