Retightening of handbrake of Hyundai Accent
Short photo report with instructions on questions "How to tighten handbrake of Hyundai Accent LC".
Usually, it takes a lot of time for search for information in the internet on retightening of handbrake of Accent without use of the pit and rack. You can retighten handbrake from car interior as shown in photo report.
For this purpose, you will need some crew drivers and wrench «12» to adjust the position of nut designed for adjustment of cables. You can set any tension at your own discretion (optimal position is three clicks).
The retightening of handbrake in Hyundai Accent is especially necessary after replacement of rear brake blocks.

Detail shot. You should know that it is possible to retighten handbrake only if it is in off position and turn the nut so that cable holder moves towards front seats.

That’s all. Pull up to necessary number of clicks. The assembly should be carried out in reverse order.