Removal of heater fan of Renault Megane 2
This photo report will give the answer to the questions ‘How to remove heater fan of Renault Megane 2’.
In Renault Megane II, you can access heater fan by removing cover at driver seat to the right of pedals. Since this place is not lighted, use flashlight.
There are a lot of reasons for this procedure. In this case, the assembly has been removed due to booming noise during fan operation. This noise was explained by leave that got into the impeller. These leaves were removed.
What heater fan should be installed for Renault Megane 2?
Unique number 7701056965.
- Temal 402765M.
- Valeo 698729.
- ERA 664025.

Remove connector from throttle pedal, while pressing its flat side. Then pull it out. It might be necessary to use screwdriver.
Then remove brake pedal. For this purpose, remove retaining washer, pull it out of the rod, lower clamp and remove pin by turning it rightward.

Then move deeper. In the upper part you will see necessary aggregate. Disconnect one more connector and latches from the ends.

Then remove the connector with two thick wires. For this purpose pull the latch from the center for the assembly. Open the connector like a boot lid. Then pull it out in leftward direction.

The most interesting part is to remove the assembly since it is blocked with brake push rod. There is no problem if you follow Renault instructions but scope of work will double. However, you can find the way out in any situation and this problem is not an exclusion. Just push it between heater tubes and brake rod. You can pull this assembly out only if motor is in certain position. The installation should be performed in reverse order.
2024-01-06 18:25:58